Thursday 17 January 2013


COMMON NAME- Plume Plant,Cockscomb,Lalmurga लाल मुर्ग़ा (Hindi),Haolei (Manipuri). BOTANICAL NAME- Celosia argentea var. plumosa
FAMILY- Amaranthaceae (amaranth family)Origin: Americas, Africa and Asia

Celosia argentea is commonly known as plumed cockscomb.It is a plant of tropical origin, and is known for its very bright
 colors. C. argentea is a tender annual that is often grown in gardens. It is propagated by seeds, and produces up to
 43,000 seeds per ounce. The seeds are extremely small.There are different cultivars of celosia (sometimes known as Celosia argentea var. plumosa).The Century cultivars are
 usually taller (1-2 feet), and are bright red, yellow, orange, or pink. The Kimono cultivars are generally smaller
 (4 inches - 1 foot), and have more muted colors, though similar to the Century cultivars. Other colors, such as white,
 burgundy, orange-red, etc., can be found. Certain varieties will grow to 3-4 feet in height.Since these plants are of tropical origin, they do grow best in full sunlight. The flowerheads can last up to 8 weeks and further growth can be promoted by removing dead flowers.The leaves and flowers are edible and are grown for such use in Africa and Southeast Asia.


Place of photograohy - Patna, Bihar  ( INDIA  )
Camera used in photography - Canon Power Shot SX 150 IS
Place of photograohy - Patna, Bihar  ( INDIA  )
Camera used in photography - Canon Power Shot SX 150 IS

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